Command Staff and Board
Bryce Shirley
Battalion Chiefs
Dennis Madler - Logistics
Doug Boyce - Clinical
Derek Langdon - Operations
Administrative Board
North Country EMS is governed by an Administrative Board made up of representatives from the area served. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our service, please feel free to contact a board member or any member of our staff.
District administration and staff are available at all reasonable hours to answer questions. The Chief and Shift Officers are typically the primary contacts for any comments, questions, or concerns.
Administrative Board Meeting Minutes
300 W. Hoag St. Meeting Room
Jerry Olson
Commissioners of Cowlitz County
Sue Marshall
Clark County Councilor District 5
Richard Mahar
Commissioners of Skamania County
Tom McGraw
Rural Yacolt area
Dr. Marlow Macht (Ex Officio)
Clark County Medical Program Director
Bob Appling
Rural Yale-Cougar area
Ronald Homola
Town of Yacolt
Lori Homola
Rural Amboy area
Winston Miller
USFS Mount St. Helens area
Dale Grams
Skamania County Hospital District